Ken Peh
Marketing Ace (On the road to become one)
Reading time: 5 minutes

In the previous two entries, we explored the importance of maximizing your staff utilization. In addition, we look at some tips to improve staff utilization.
In today's post, let us watch a short clip on why it is important to engage your employees (Yes, employees) and make them happy.
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November 2018,
Maximize staff utilization
Reading time: 5 minutes

What exactly is Time & Attendance? Does it mean micro-managing your staff, keeping a close eye on them constantly on what they are doing?
If you are doing that, PLEASE change that immediately. We are living in the age of technologies and productivity. Due to the rise of contingent workforce, we need to better manage the task force in a more efficient manner. In today's entry, WorkforceOptimizer will help you define Time & Attendance for you.
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November 2018,
Time and Attendance
Reading time: 5 minutes

So your busy, business is booming, but yet you still think you can get more out of your team. All too often companies strive to improve productivity and utilization without truly understanding the current state of play. In this article we discuss some simple ways in which you can analyze the performance of your team to help drive productivity.
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November 2018,
Maximize staff utilization
Reading time: 4 minutes

In today's business context, maximizing employee potential should be one of your Human Resource Management and organization's priorities. Disgruntled, idle workers who do the bare minimum are dead weight for your company.
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November 2018,
Maximize staff utilization
Reading time: 5 minutes

In the previous post, we explored about the manners AI changes workplace. In today's article, we will discuss how AI benefited businesses.
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Artificial Intelligence,
November 2018
Reading time: 3 minutes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers great and unlimited opportunities for businesses. However, there are growing concerns that the AI revolution may highly disrupt conventional hiring and work practices. For example, there are genuine worries that further developments and implementation of AI will leave many people out of jobs, or render their roles obsolete due to the reason that their roles become increasingly automated.
In today's article, we look at how AI is changing your workplace.
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October 2018,
Artificial Intelligence
Reading time: 5 minutes
With modern technologies, workforce analytics is no longer a myth and a thing of the past. Instead, it has matured and evolved into a trend which business leaders and decision-makers should not neglect. In today's post, we look at some of the important trends of workforce analytics and its general direction.
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October 2018,
workforce analytics
Reading time: 3 minutes
In the last entry, we discussed how modern workforce analytics, such as WorkforceOptimizer, impacted today's business leaders and decision-makers in their HR policies and action plans to manage their staff turnover rate. In today's post, we are going to look at the advantages and benefits of workforce analytics, and how it can help HR practitioners making better and informed decisions.
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October 2018,
workforce analytics
Reading time: 3 minutes
Workforce analytics is a combination of software solution and statistical methodology that applies certain work patterns and models to staff-related data. These sets of prefixed data allow business leaders and decision-makers to optimize human resource management. In the previous few posts, we explored how mobile technologies disrupted workplace.
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October 2018,
workforce analytics
Reading time: 2 minutes

In the previous two posts, we have learnt about dynamic rescheduling and its importance to deliver customer service excellence.
In today's post, we are going to explore why mobile technologies are changing the landscape and blurring the lines between personal and business networking.
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October 2018,
Dynamic rescheduling